Materi Ajar Lab Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 (Senin, 6 April 2020)

Materi Ajar Lab Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal: Senin, 6 April 2020
Kelas/Semester: I/2
Bidang Studi: Bahasa Inggris
Tema: My Face (Wajahku)

Assalamu'alaikum, Kids! Happy Monday..Semangat Senin semuanya. Today we are going to review our lesson about My Face. Kita akan mengulang materi kita tentang Wajahku 

  • face: wajah
  • eye: mata
  • nose: hidung
  • nostril: lubang hidung
  • ear: telinga
  • mouth: mulut
  • eyebrow: alis
  • eyelash: bulu mata
  • hair: rambut
  • tooth/teeth: gigi
  • tongue: lidah
  • lip: bibir
  • cheek: pipi
  • chin: dagu
  • neck: leher

Selanjutnya kita akan melihat video mengenai bagian-bagian wajah. 

Lihat dan peragakan apa yang ada di video!
Contoh: Point your nose (Tunjuk hidungmu)

Eyes, Ears, Nose and Mouth

Look in the mirror! What do you see?
It's your face looking so happy
Point to your nose
Can you point to it
Point' to your nose
But let's be quick
1 2 3
Nose nose nose

Look in the mirror! What do you see?
It's your face looking so happy
Point to your ears
Can you point to them
Point to your ears
Come on friend
1 2 3
Ears ears ears

Look in the mirror! What do you see?
It's your face looking so happy
Point to your mouth
Can you point to it
Point' to your mouth
But let's be quick
1 2 3
Mouth mouth mouth

Look in the mirror! What do you see?
It's your face looking so happy
Point to your eyes
Can you point to them
Point to your eyes

Look in the mirror! What do you see?
It's your face looking so happy

Arrange the jumbled letters into a good word!
(susun huruf-huruf berikut menjadi kata yang benar)
  1. Y-E-E = ......
  2. T-O-M-U-H = ......
  3. H-C-I-N = ......
  4. A-H-E-D = ......
  5. S-0-N-E = ......

Kerjakan di buku tulis Bahasa Inggris. Pertemuan selanjutnya kita ulangan ya ^^

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